Our story of
Our mission is to help potential international students find and enroll in the educational institutions where they want to study, so that after completing the university they can find their dream job.
About the company

Our company ETUDIER INTERNATIONAL helps to acquire new knowledge in a foreign university, which will open up new prospects. Life experience in different countries not only gives you a powerful start in your career, the ability to speak foreign languages, but also helps you expand your outlook and horizons of ambition, gain maturity and independence, find new friends and build strong professional connections.

Why Should You Choose Us

The idea of creating ETUDIER INTERNATIONAL appeared in mid-2015, when the student Plandi was studying at the university. The search for universities with the necessary specialties abroad, caused a lot of problems for his friends and they needed help on this issue. Therefore, for an operational solution, he began working on creating his own algorithm for admission to the university of foreign universities.


The whole of 2016 was spent on creating an algorithm and a team of specialists in this field. By the end of 2016, our product was launched in a new format for us and began to work fruitfully in helping students.


Over the past few years, the company’s capabilities have expanded significantly. Many new tools for interacting with potential students have been added to the management of our project.


Almost every month, the ETUDIER INTERNATIONAL team prepares updates that take into account the wishes of our customers. Existing features are improved and new ones are added. The intensive work of our team has allowed ETUDIER INTERNATIONAL to gain a strong position in this market segment. Today, many potential students use our platform to realize their dreams.

Our team

The most important thing for our company is the people who create a service for those who need admission to an international university. We interact with our customers and constantly provide them with technical support. The specialists of ETUDIER INTERNATIONAL manage, direct, advise and create, putting all their experience, abilities and talent into what they do.
Our team is the foundation of the current and future achievements of ETUDIER INTERNATIONAL.

Plandi Banza
Andrei Wisniewski
СEO Belarus
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